It makes it easy to just select an area and save that area made into a slice. Slices make it easy to select areas within your artboard whether your selected are has several layers. To do this just click and drag the area that you would like to turn into a slice. STEP 2: Slicing Your ArtworkĪfter selecting the Slicing Tool, you will then have to slice the images or areas you would like to export and save. There are Slice Layers as well, but for this quick tutorial we’ll just focus on the assets export. The Slice Tool is one of the most popular and useful tools for exporting website assets all at once. Start by selecting the Slicing Tool in located in your Tools Panel. I’ll assume you already have a design or layout with several images that you want to export but don’t want to export them one by one. Here are the steps on how to export assets from Photoshop. If you are new to exporting assets for the web or exporting several images from an artboard in Photoshop this tutorial should help you achieve just that. Well, that’s ok but what if you had more than a few images and you had to save each one separately? There is a trick to do that. You have to Save As and then name your file, then choose the folder you want to save the image into. If you have exported or saved several images in Photoshop that are in the same artboard you know that it’s tedious to save each image separately.